
Updates Terms Endpoints pages-build-deployment

An open API to help document Symbiota tools and terms

This repository contains API endpoints where one can fetch short explanations about Symbiota pages or terms in a portal. The short explanations provided here (along with optional links when available) are integrated with Symbiota code, so that tooltips are available dynamically, on demand, in pages and terms throughout the interface.

Endpoints include language tags, so that the content can be delivered in the idiom used by the interface.

There are also links directing users to related resources, such as help guides and tutorials made available at the Symbiota Docs website.

Created with the Open Static API Kit.


Get a term tooltip:

curl -G<version number>/terms/<term_id>.json

For instance, get Catalog Number tooltip:

curl -G

Get a page tooltip:

curl -G<version number>/<path_to_page_file>/<pagefilename.php>.json

For instance, get Taxonomic Tree Viewer tooltip:

curl -G


JSON endpoints are generated based on CSV files in the data folder.