Accessibility Options

Users who create accounts in the portal can adjust Accessibility Preferences, which are designed to improve accessibility to the site for people with disabilities. More information about accessibility as defined by U.S. Section 508 can be found here.

Currently, users can select to the Vertical Form Layout option. This option makes content and forms easier to navigate using a screen reader and expands layouts, which can improve accessibility for users with differing experience, knowledge, language skills, or concentration levels.

Turning on Accessibility Options temporarily

Your portal may have an Accessibility Options link in the footer. Click this, if so. If not, proceed to the next section.

Turn on Accessibility Options for your user profile

You can make certain Accessibility Options the default for whenever you log in to the portal by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your portal and navigate to your profile by clicking My Profile.
  2. Click the User Profile tab.
  3. Click Edit Profile.
  4. Check the box next to “Check to indicate a preference for vertical form layout”.

How to turn on Accessibility Options

Cite this page:

Katie Pearson. Accessibility Options. In: Symbiota Support Hub (2024). Symbiota Documentation. Created on 28 Feb 2024, last edited on 16 Apr 2024.