Batch Uploading Images

This page describes some workflows for batch uploading images into a Symbiota portal.

Symbiota portals do not necessarily store images, rather, they store links to where images can be accessed via the web. For this reason, there are many ways that images can be linked to occurrence records in the portal. Any storage solution that can provide a web-accessible URL to an image can be used to link images to occurrences in a Symbiota portal.

Image Storage at ASU

For relatively small collections with little to no IT support, the Arizona State University may be able to web-host the jpeg versions (<10 MB) of images for display in a Symbiota portal. In this case, images are uploaded to ASU via Globus and transferred to ASU servers. The URLs generated by these servers are then linked to your records in a Sybmiota portal. To determine whether this is possible for your collection, contact the Symbiota Support Hub.

Image Storage through an Institutional Server

If your institution has the ability to serve images in a web-accessible format, these URLs can be easily linked to their occurrences in your portal through a batch processing script. Contact your portal administrator or the Symbiota Support Hub for more information or to set up this workflow.

Cite this page:

Ed Gilbert, Ben Brandt, Katie Pearson. Batch Uploading Images. In: Symbiota Support Hub (2021). Symbiota Documentation. Created on 14 Dec 2021, last edited on 17 Oct 2023.