
Contributing to the Symbiota Docs

Symbiota Docs is a collaborative effort of the Symbiota community, coordinated by the Symbiota Support Hub. We welcome and encourage all contributions.

What can I contribute?

  • Minor error fixing (misspellings, formatting issues, broken link reporting)
  • Reviewing existing content
  • Creating new content or expanding existing content
  • Translating content (currently we support Spanish, French and Brazilian Portuguese)
  • Bug reporting
  • Content ideas

How to contribute

We’ll be offering hands-on workshops on how to manage content in GitHub! Stay tuned.

Content on this site is open source and managed through the GitHub development platform. The front-end is compiled with Hugo. Each topic is structured in directories that include a markdown file that receives the name of _index.<language tag>.md. Anyone with a GitHub account can create a fork of this repository and contribute directly in the folder structure, or look for the “Edit this content on GitHub” button in the bottom of a particular page to edit its content in a new fork. To submit your contribution, please open a pull request. To submit bug reports, please open an issue in our GitHub repository. To see discussions or start a new conversation, please visit our Discussions tab in our GitHub repository.
  1. Set up a user account in GitHub.
  2. Familiarize yourself with Markdown. Here’s a link to a nice cheatsheet provided by the Markdown Guide.
  3. Learn the basics of the Git flow on GitHub: forking a repository, pushing and opening a pull request on GitHub.
  4. Browse the structured topics inside the content folder in the Symbiota Docs GitHub repository.
  5. Explore the available formatting options inside the resources/templates directory.
  6. Optionally: contact the Symbiota Support Hub indicating your intent to contribute via GitHub. We will meet with you to discuss your contributions and answer any remaining questions.
Send your contributions as Word or text documents to the Symbiota Support Hub. Make sure you include your full name so we can credit you as the author! Please include any images as separate files.
Cite this page:

Laura Rocha Prado, Katie Pearson. Contributing. In: Symbiota Support Hub (2021). Symbiota Documentation. Created on 06 Oct 2021, last edited on 27 Oct 2021.