Public Edits

This page describes how any Symbiota user can suggest modifications to an occurrence record. This can be a useful feature for community members to remediate data quality issues.

Enable Public Edits

The option to enabled public edits is managed on a per-collection basis and is activated through the Collection Metadata Editor. Turn this on by navigating to the Administration Control Panel > Edit Metadata and check the box for Allow Public Edits.

Once activated, any portal user who is logged in can suggest changes to your occurrence records using a paired-down version of the Occurrence Editor form. Public users cannot suggest edits to Catalog Number or Scientific Name values.

Public Feedback Example
Once Public Edits are enabled via the Collection Metadata Editor, any user who is logged into the portal can suggest changes to individual occurrence records.

Review Public Edits

To review suggested changes made by public users:

  1. Navigate to the Administration Control Panel > Review/Verify Occurrence Edits.
  2. In the Filter panel, set Applied Status = “Not Applied” and select Submit Filter to filter out pending public edits to your occurence records.
  3. Proceed to use the Specimen Edit Reviewer to accept and reject suggested changes to your records.

What do public portal users see?

Refer to the User Guide for more information.

Cite this page:

Lindsay Walker. Public Edits. In: Symbiota Support Hub (2025). Symbiota Documentation. Created on 03 Apr 2024.