Click the button below to find a list of active Symbiota portals. You will want to select a Symbiota portal that matches the scope of your data. You can add your data to a Symbiota portal as a “live” collection or a “snapshot” (see this page for more information about management types in Symbiota portals).
List of Symbiota Portals Request to Join a Symbiota PortalOnce you have identified an existing Symbiota portal to which you want to publish specimen data, contact the project or portal managers to become a data provider. Portal contacts are typically listed on the homepage or within the left menu of the data portal. Contact for help if you are unable to find the portal contact.
You may publish data to more than one portal; however, it is recommended to only manage a particular dataset or collection in one Symbiota portal, and all other portals would host only a snapshot of those data. Different collections (e.g., vascular plants vs. lichens vs. bryophytes) can be live-managed on their respective portals.
Typically, the portal manager will need the information in the following list to initiate your collection within the portal. Once the collection has been added, data can be loaded. See the page on Uploading Specimen Data for details on methods and acceptable data formats for upload specimen.
Information needed to create a new collection within a portal:
What if I have multiple collections or data types? If you have multiple collections (e.g., vascular plants, fungi, and bryophytes), it is recommnded to manage these separately in their respective data portals. This is because the taxonomic thesauri of the portals are well-curated to their focal taxonomic group, and you are more likely to be able to take advantage of digitization efficiencies (e.g., duplicate matching) in that portal. See more information on our Managing Multiple Portals page.
Ed Gilbert, ed: Katie Pearson. **Joining an Existing Portal**. In: Symbiota Support Hub (2025). Symbiota Documentation. Created on 23 Aug 2014, last edited on 16 Dec 2021.