This page describes how you can identify specimens in your collection that have different identifications (i.e., scientific names) than duplicates of that specimen housed at another collection.
Navigate to this tool through the Administration Control Panel (My Profile > Occurrence Management > name of collection). Click Duplicate Cleaning Tools. In the bottom box under Taxonomy, click “Duplicate specimens with potential identification conflicts…”.
This tool lists the duplicate clusters of specimens (specimens that have the same collector, number, and date, even across different collections) for which one or more of the specimens does not have the same taxonomic name. The tool can be used to identify whether there are specimens in your collection that should be annotated to the most recently identified taxonomic name. For example, in the cluster below, OBI and UCR may consider annotating their specimens according to the most recent identification of the SBBG duplicate. The specimen records associated with each specimen can be viewed by clicking on the catalog number of the desired record.
Katie Pearson. Compare Duplicate IDs Across Collections. In: Symbiota Support Hub (2025). Symbiota Documentation. Created on 11 Oct 2021.